ポストエディタさんを大募集しています。今回は、Trados のライセンスを有する方の募集です。まず英日から募集を開始いたします。その後、日英も募集の予定です。最終的にポストエディタさんを30名募集する予定です。今回、ご応募を見送った方も是非次回ご応募をお待ちいたします。同時にフリーランスの翻訳者さんも募集しています。チェッカーさんも募集しております。
The chatroom is down
The business chatroom that I was experimentally using among some staff has been down since this morning. This can't be helped. There's no way to communicate without the chatroom so this is not a pleasant situation. This was a trial use, so there's no serious problem. I'll just wait patiently.
If the chatroom is down, we can always use emails.
Worst comes to worst, we can make phone calls.
Above is translation of an article "チャットが落ちてしまった・・・。" dated November 1, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
If the chatroom is down, we can always use emails.
Worst comes to worst, we can make phone calls.
Above is translation of an article "チャットが落ちてしまった・・・。" dated November 1, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
No one asks LSP to translate text any more.
A certain musical instrument manufacturer is in crisis. Apparently, musical instruments are not selling because younger generation are starting to play music with PC and tablets rather than playing the instrument.
I feel that the same voice can be heard in the translation industry as well. In recent years, users asking for translation has declined. This is because they first try the machine translation.
Humans translating from scratch will be an extremely rare market. The security problem of machine translation has nearly been resolved. Unless we can understand the transition of the time, translation companies will go out of business.
I wonder what type of text requires humans to translate from scratch?
Above is translation of an article "では翻訳を依頼しようという時代は終わった。" dated April 25, 2018
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
I feel that the same voice can be heard in the translation industry as well. In recent years, users asking for translation has declined. This is because they first try the machine translation.
Humans translating from scratch will be an extremely rare market. The security problem of machine translation has nearly been resolved. Unless we can understand the transition of the time, translation companies will go out of business.
I wonder what type of text requires humans to translate from scratch?
Above is translation of an article "では翻訳を依頼しようという時代は終わった。" dated April 25, 2018
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
TM + MT + AI
I always thought it would be cool to combine translation memory, machine translation, and artificial intelligence.
Maybe I waited about a year. A situation where we can really use this is coming true. Let's keep a close watch on the next move.
Above is translation of an article "TM + MT + AI" dated October 17, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Maybe I waited about a year. A situation where we can really use this is coming true. Let's keep a close watch on the next move.
Above is translation of an article "TM + MT + AI" dated October 17, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Automatic response for emails
You can easily set automated response for emails with gmail when we are out of the office. I wish there were ways for the system to automatically accept the job or negotiate the due dates from the email contents...
Above is translation of an article "自動返信ってできないかなー?" dated October 12, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Text on video sites
Recently, when I was watching videos on video sites, I noticed that text is displayed at the bottom of the screen. While I was watching one movie, I could understand the content, but I couldn't really explain the grammar so I asked one of the staff.
According to the staff, it was indeed grammatically incorrect. It was incorrect, but the text was "correctly" displayed.
Computer doesn't make any mistake. I have a mixed feeling about this...
According to the staff, it was indeed grammatically incorrect. It was incorrect, but the text was "correctly" displayed.
Computer doesn't make any mistake. I have a mixed feeling about this...
Above is translation of an article "動画サイトのテキスト" dated October 16, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Will dividing the labor lead to productivity?
While there are various tools such as machine translation, post editing, and remote work to make the translation job more efficient, there is one thing I want to try one day.
It's division of labor.
We take one patent description and divide into:
1. Background
2. Brief Description of the Drawings
3. Description of Embodiments
4. Examples
5. Claims
6. Abstract
7. Figures
and each staff in charge will translate their part. Of course, they most likely will not start at the same time. The staff in charge of the claims section will probably start after the description is finished, or the staff in charge of the claims section might translate first and the remaining part might be done by other translators.
Three to four people will be translating one project separately, so the translation amount per person will be less. Less translation would lead to less work load, so perhaps the speed would be faster?
Even if the staff cannot translate the entire specification document (for instance, 300 paragraphs), perhaps they might be able to translate only the examples section (for instance, 50 paragraphs). We might be able to accept projects that we couldn't accept before.
Again, I want to try this one time.
Above is translation of an article "分業制は、効率アップにつながるか?" dated October 11, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Adaptive neural machine translation
It hereeeeeee! (゚∀゚)
The adaptive neural machine translation (ANMT) is here!!
Is this neural machine translation with artificial intelligence? I'll be investigating closely (if I can, I want to try it out as soon as possible).
Above is translation of an article "Adaptive neural machine translation" dated November 2, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Stopping payments in cash?
There was an article on the newspaper today about one restaurant in Tokyo stopping payments in cash, accepting only electronic money or credit card. Apparently, it's a system that allows all payment to be done at the table. According to the article, fewer workers are needed by doing so.
Maybe we can stop depositing money into bank accounts? Will that lead to lower labor cost? It probably won't make much of a difference.
Above is translation of an article "現金払いを廃止する?" dated November 7, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Maybe we can stop depositing money into bank accounts? Will that lead to lower labor cost? It probably won't make much of a difference.
Above is translation of an article "現金払いを廃止する?" dated November 7, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Efficiency of sales strategy
This is something I thought of while I was watching the ENEOS Asia Professional Baseball Championship 2017 (I'm just happy that Japan won). In baseball, the batter might make a sacrifice hit when there is a runner with no out on the first base. After this, one run is scored even with a single hit. Then, it's a change after two withdrawals.
Recently, in high school baseball, there are fewer cases where the game pushes through without making the sacrifice hits when there is a runner with no out on the first base. This is because statistic data shows that the percentage of scoring a run does not change even if the game pulls through without the sacrifice hits.
Let's put this in terms of sales strategy. When comparing the percentage of a sales representative gaining figures by visiting door to door (push-type sales) and the percentage of making figures by advertising online and receiving orders from clients (pull-type sales), I think we can't always be certain that the former always has a higher percentage.
Perhaps using sacrifice hits as an example of sales strategy is inappropriate and meaningless, but I'm just wondering if there is any difference. If not, the latter would be easier not having to walk around. Plus, it's actually annoying, especially in patent offices and law offices to have clients come in without appointments, so I think visiting offices is not a good idea...
If you have any input on this, I'd love to hear them.
Above is translation of an article "営業効率" dated November 21, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Recently, in high school baseball, there are fewer cases where the game pushes through without making the sacrifice hits when there is a runner with no out on the first base. This is because statistic data shows that the percentage of scoring a run does not change even if the game pulls through without the sacrifice hits.
Let's put this in terms of sales strategy. When comparing the percentage of a sales representative gaining figures by visiting door to door (push-type sales) and the percentage of making figures by advertising online and receiving orders from clients (pull-type sales), I think we can't always be certain that the former always has a higher percentage.
Perhaps using sacrifice hits as an example of sales strategy is inappropriate and meaningless, but I'm just wondering if there is any difference. If not, the latter would be easier not having to walk around. Plus, it's actually annoying, especially in patent offices and law offices to have clients come in without appointments, so I think visiting offices is not a good idea...
If you have any input on this, I'd love to hear them.
Above is translation of an article "営業効率" dated November 21, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Books I read: The 4-Hour Work Week
Title: Title:
The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded and Updated: Expanded and Updated, With Over 100 New Pages of Cutting-Edge Content
The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded and Updated: Expanded and Updated, With Over 100 New Pages of Cutting-Edge Content
Author: Tim Ferriss
Published by: Harmony; Expanded (2009/11/18)
Published by: Harmony; Expanded (2009/11/18)
A well known book. I read it a long time ago, but I hadn't written about it in this blog, so here it is.
The book introduces various ways to produce the same result but only work 4 hours a week. Countless methods of how to reduce time are being introduced. Just by reading the title, I thought 4 hours is just plainly impossible but as I read ahead, I started to think "I see I see!" on a lot of the points.
By the way, there was news the other day on the professional baseball team that didn't make it to the A class this year going in to the fall camp. Apparently, it's an excruciating training and practice. By reading this book, I feel that the idea of cutting time is well received within the companies, but there is an impression that extensive practice is required to get the results in the sports industry. Rather than swinging the bat 1000 times a day, they should think about getting the same result by swinging 200 times per day or think of a practice regimen where practicing 3 hours a day would produce the same result as practicing for 8 hours a day. Even amateur players, for example, in high school baseball, they are always having morning practice, afternoon practice, evening practice, and after meal self-practice. Basically, the instruction method is to build the body for better performance, but I can't help but to think whether there is a better way.
I'm writing this is because I feel like the talk on cutting the time in terms of business is being done too much. I think cutting the time in sports should be the next topic and if someone writes about this, it would be an instant best-seller!
Above is translation of an article "読んだ本:The 4-Hour Work Week" dated November 22, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
I'm writing this is because I feel like the talk on cutting the time in terms of business is being done too much. I think cutting the time in sports should be the next topic and if someone writes about this, it would be an instant best-seller!
Above is translation of an article "読んだ本:The 4-Hour Work Week" dated November 22, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
The cause of slowing your job down: E-mail
The other day, a friend of mine who is the head of human resources came to Osaka to participate in a seminar about "remote work" held in Osaka. I had lunch with him after the seminar. His company is listed on the Japanese stock exchange (to make my point that the company has lots of employee). Apparently, he receives about 200 to 300 emails in one day. He said it has gotten better now that his workers process them to a certain level.
From what I hear, it seems that the number of emails pile up with so many unnecessary CCs being attached. There's CC attached on emails that just say "okay". It seems that most people tend to attach unnecessary CCs to disperse responsibility.
I suggested discontinuing emails and using chat rooms instead. He is thinking about implementing telecommute system as well, so using chat rooms would be easier. On top of that, you can almost completely prevent virus problems and reduce unnecessary emails, which would lead to work efficiency.
In his company, they're only starting to consider remote work. It's a big company, so it seems that maintaining balance is the issue. Employees tend to complain by saying "why them and not me?". Everyone would agree that women with small children and staff who takes care of their parents would be the first to be accepted.
We understand a lot about remote work. Productivity would increase and the job separation rate would decrease. However, self-management skill is required. It's not fit for everyone.
Something that a small business can do might not be possible in a big company. Indeed, the bigger the scale is, the harder it is to implement new ideas.
Above is translation of an article "仕事を中断させる原因:メール" dated November 18, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
From what I hear, it seems that the number of emails pile up with so many unnecessary CCs being attached. There's CC attached on emails that just say "okay". It seems that most people tend to attach unnecessary CCs to disperse responsibility.
I suggested discontinuing emails and using chat rooms instead. He is thinking about implementing telecommute system as well, so using chat rooms would be easier. On top of that, you can almost completely prevent virus problems and reduce unnecessary emails, which would lead to work efficiency.
In his company, they're only starting to consider remote work. It's a big company, so it seems that maintaining balance is the issue. Employees tend to complain by saying "why them and not me?". Everyone would agree that women with small children and staff who takes care of their parents would be the first to be accepted.
We understand a lot about remote work. Productivity would increase and the job separation rate would decrease. However, self-management skill is required. It's not fit for everyone.
Something that a small business can do might not be possible in a big company. Indeed, the bigger the scale is, the harder it is to implement new ideas.
Above is translation of an article "仕事を中断させる原因:メール" dated November 18, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Something that AI can't do: Picture story telling (Kamishibai)
On November 9th, I went to a Thursday salon event "Time in need of elevator-pitch--from a picture story teller: Finding hints of making your presentation have an impact with one phrase" (presenter: Hajime Fujii) held at the Knowledge salon.
According to the presenter, presentation of paper story telling is still not possible for artificial intelligence. In the future, it might be possible to detect body temperature and facial expressions with a sensor to change the content of the picture story according to the detected values.
Something that was intriguing about the presentation was that picture story tellers change according to the children's facial expressions. When children lose their interest, they will walk away, so it's a harsh situation.
I found out that there are two types of jobs: jobs that can be replaced by AI and jobs that cannot be replaced by AI. The enemy of human kind is not only machine but also human itself (like emotions, interests, and concerns).
Maybe my next presentation will be done in a style of picture story telling.
Above is translation of an article "人工知能にできないこと~紙芝~" dated November 10, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
According to the presenter, presentation of paper story telling is still not possible for artificial intelligence. In the future, it might be possible to detect body temperature and facial expressions with a sensor to change the content of the picture story according to the detected values.
Something that was intriguing about the presentation was that picture story tellers change according to the children's facial expressions. When children lose their interest, they will walk away, so it's a harsh situation.
I found out that there are two types of jobs: jobs that can be replaced by AI and jobs that cannot be replaced by AI. The enemy of human kind is not only machine but also human itself (like emotions, interests, and concerns).
Maybe my next presentation will be done in a style of picture story telling.
Above is translation of an article "人工知能にできないこと~紙芝~" dated November 10, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Books I read: "ドイツ人はなぜ、1年に150日休んでも仕事が回るのか"
Title of the book: ドイツ人はなぜ、1年に150日休んでも仕事が回るのか (Why Germans can get the job done even with 150 days of holiday a year) Kindle version
Author: Toru Kumagai
Publisher: Seishun Publishing
Our goal is to have better labor productivity, so I tried reading this book. In the past, I have read similar books. I feel like most of them talk about the same thing.
Human health requires "food, rest, and exercise". I believe that the following three is required for improving productivity. That is, "working within the hour, enjoying the time off, and rest". These three are the strategy. As a strategy, machine depending, meeting within 30 minutes, concentrate during the productive morning may be mentioned.
The keyword in this book was "work-life balance". There was interesting information at the end of the book.
"Germany, a country that has longer vacation than Japanese people and has higher GDP than Japan"
"Goal is to work efficiently to create more free time and productivity"
I've experienced working part-time, being a salary worker, a freelancer, and being a business owner. I enjoy being the business owner in which there is no limit to work hours and having the responsibility 24/7. Being a salary worker was the easiest. Being a freelancer was fun but too hard. Working part time was far too long ago.
The following were mentioned in the book:
Author: Toru Kumagai
Publisher: Seishun Publishing
Our goal is to have better labor productivity, so I tried reading this book. In the past, I have read similar books. I feel like most of them talk about the same thing.
Human health requires "food, rest, and exercise". I believe that the following three is required for improving productivity. That is, "working within the hour, enjoying the time off, and rest". These three are the strategy. As a strategy, machine depending, meeting within 30 minutes, concentrate during the productive morning may be mentioned.
The keyword in this book was "work-life balance". There was interesting information at the end of the book.
"Germany, a country that has longer vacation than Japanese people and has higher GDP than Japan"
"Goal is to work efficiently to create more free time and productivity"
I've experienced working part-time, being a salary worker, a freelancer, and being a business owner. I enjoy being the business owner in which there is no limit to work hours and having the responsibility 24/7. Being a salary worker was the easiest. Being a freelancer was fun but too hard. Working part time was far too long ago.
The following were mentioned in the book:
- Lay-off is as difficult as it is in Japan. It's only easy in the U.S.
- Social insurance fee is high, so the actual pay is low.
- Stores are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
- 30 days of paid holiday. Almost all are used up.
- There are many contract workers, so there are many low-wage working class people.
- Emphasis on work-life balance.
In Germany, law is set for long paid vacation and relatively short work hours. That is, the country protects the work-life balance. It seems that having high concentration and detailed result for work is increasing productivity.
The culture is different. Different religion. No need to copy what the Germans are doing. Instead of that, it might actually be interesting to implement the German working style. The author seems to have experience working bot in Japan and in Germany, but seems to be on the German side.
He also mentions that women has better working environment in Germany.
As a solution to realize work-life balance, following points were suggested:
- Country as a whole must take the lead. Publicize company names that violate the rules, random inspection by the labor office, punishment for the violation.
- Get rid of the idea that working over time is a positive action <personally, I think this is the most important.
- Allow 2-week vacation. During the first week, you start to worry about work. During the second week, you get to actually rest.
Refresh>concentrate>cut the unnecessary part>high productivity. The book mentions that productivity increases in such order.
It might be a good idea to have a company rule where employees are required to completely use up the paid vacation instead of carrying it over to next year (not that you can't carry over to the next year. Carry-over is a right given for all workers).
Above is translation of an article "読んだ本:ドイツ人はなぜ、1年に150日休んでも仕事が回るのか" dated November 16, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Implementation of "challenge system" in the professional baseball
The following article was released in a Japanese sports magazine on November 13, 2017.
"It has been released, on November 12, that the 'challenge system' will be implemented from the next season in pro-baseball. From this, when there is an objection to the judge's ruling, a replay verification can be requested by the coach, which was only done when a referee determines the need to do so in a system similar to the major league baseball. The 'Japanese version challenge system' which specifies the number of requests that can be made will be officially decided and released at the executive committee on the 13th".
Apparently, video verification will be actively utilized in the professional baseball as well. I was actually watching the Japanese series game on TV that probably lead to this decision. "Out" was initially called by the judge, but the runner immediately claimed: "I was faster, I was not touched".
The judge might not be needed in the near future. If we put sensors on the batter, fielders, pitchers, catcher's uniform, shoes, gloves, bases, mounds and such, not only the runner's out/safe but also strikes and batter's out can be automatically determined. If the sensors are placed on the ground, out-field poles and also on the ball, it is possible to automatically determine home run or foul.
If this happens, judges will not be needed in the future. The member exchange before the game is done by both coaches hand by hand in presence of the judge. If the members are input on a terminal device, the official ceremony will not be necessary. The witnessing judge does not need to be a human. If a third party is necessary to be the witness, AIBO or a robot by Yahoo! will be sufficient.
Personally, I hate the scene where the coach intensely argues with the judge, so I love the idea of automatic determination. Plus, I think the fun of professional baseball will not change even if it is automated.
If this happens, judges will not be needed in the future. The member exchange before the game is done by both coaches hand by hand in presence of the judge. If the members are input on a terminal device, the official ceremony will not be necessary. The witnessing judge does not need to be a human. If a third party is necessary to be the witness, AIBO or a robot by Yahoo! will be sufficient.
Personally, I hate the scene where the coach intensely argues with the judge, so I love the idea of automatic determination. Plus, I think the fun of professional baseball will not change even if it is automated.
Above is translation of an article "プロ野球で「チャレンジ」導入始まる。" dated November 15, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Participated in 25th Singularity Salon "Air traffic control x singularity"
Today, I participated in 25th Singularity Salon held at Grand Front Osaka. This event is usually held at the Knowledge Salon, but it was held in the Tower B conference room this time.
The presenter was Rie Ito (central researcher of Electronic Navigation Research Institute). The theme of the presentation was "air traffic control x singularity".
This might be my first time hearing the term "air traffic control".
She started the presentation by saying "right now, approximately 6000 aircraft carriers are flying in the sky worldwide. Assuming 150 to 200 people are on board per aircraft, we can calculate that over 1 million people are in the air constantly. This is truly a megalopolis in the air". This is amazing!
Airplane started flying the day after people were saying "nothing will be in the air within the next 100 years". After being flown, not much use was found until people found mailing system as a business chance. I believe machine translation will also gain more recognition if commercial use that is useful for people is found. It would be great if people see values of machine translation in big events like the Olympics.
In the translation industry, it's been a big debate whether translators will lose their jobs. However, from what I heard from today's talk (automation of air traffic control), if the automated air traffic control becomes real, I believe that the control officers would lose their job before the pilots. In relation to the translation industry, perhaps the project managers would lose their jobs first before the translators. This was my impression.
Apparently, in the automated air traffic control, if the machine and the human make a different decision, the rule regarding the priority differs between each company. One company might believe the machine's decision while another company might believe human decision. Making such rules will be necessary.
Coming of Autonomous Project Management might be closer than we think.
Above is translation of an article "第25回シンギュラリティサロン~「航空管制×シンギュラリティ」に参加しました。" dated September 27, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
The presenter was Rie Ito (central researcher of Electronic Navigation Research Institute). The theme of the presentation was "air traffic control x singularity".
This might be my first time hearing the term "air traffic control".
She started the presentation by saying "right now, approximately 6000 aircraft carriers are flying in the sky worldwide. Assuming 150 to 200 people are on board per aircraft, we can calculate that over 1 million people are in the air constantly. This is truly a megalopolis in the air". This is amazing!
Airplane started flying the day after people were saying "nothing will be in the air within the next 100 years". After being flown, not much use was found until people found mailing system as a business chance. I believe machine translation will also gain more recognition if commercial use that is useful for people is found. It would be great if people see values of machine translation in big events like the Olympics.
In the translation industry, it's been a big debate whether translators will lose their jobs. However, from what I heard from today's talk (automation of air traffic control), if the automated air traffic control becomes real, I believe that the control officers would lose their job before the pilots. In relation to the translation industry, perhaps the project managers would lose their jobs first before the translators. This was my impression.
Apparently, in the automated air traffic control, if the machine and the human make a different decision, the rule regarding the priority differs between each company. One company might believe the machine's decision while another company might believe human decision. Making such rules will be necessary.
Coming of Autonomous Project Management might be closer than we think.
It was an interesting presentation. |
Above is translation of an article "第25回シンギュラリティサロン~「航空管制×シンギュラリティ」に参加しました。" dated September 27, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
It was 7 out of 10
We tried translating the press release written for the company (original text is Japanese) by using machine translation + post editing.
According to the staff who was in charge of the MT + PE,
"I believe that the accuracy of the MT was about 7 out 10. I felt that company B had more natural translation than company A. When translating term by term, the suggested synonyms were more appropriate (company B more than company A).
Further, the staff thinks that "the productivity increased about 30 to 35% overall".
With patent text, the productivity increased by 20 to 25%, so it seems that productivity increases more with business texts.
If we can increase this much translation efficiency in total, this may amount to a daily worth of workload per staff.
Currently, we are using machine translation engine from two companies. We will surely continue the verifying process.
Above is translation of an article "10段階で7でした。" dated October 6, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
With patent text, the productivity increased by 20 to 25%, so it seems that productivity increases more with business texts.
If we can increase this much translation efficiency in total, this may amount to a daily worth of workload per staff.
Currently, we are using machine translation engine from two companies. We will surely continue the verifying process.
Cost-friendly remote work
We have been implementing remote work system. It's pretty easy.
Currently, business chatrooms such as ChatWork and Slack can be used at extremely low price. The benefit of using chatroom is that unlike e-mails, it is extremely unlikely to receive virus. Recently, some clients are starting to use ChatWork as well.
File transfers can also be cost friendly by using services such as 宅ふぁいる便 and Hightail even if it isn't free. If you want to cut cost as much as possible, you can use the free version of 宅ふぁいる便.
The meetings with remote workers can be started immediately by using skype or ChatWork Live function on ChatWork.
For the translation system, team translation is possible where ever the staff is (as long as there is Internet) by using cloud-type system such as Memsource. If you would like to use a free version, you should use Wordfast Anywhere. If you are in a position where data security is no issue, team translation is similarly possible by using Google Translator Toolkit.
I want to revolutionize work environment while increasing productivity by organizing work balance. We should all consider implementing remote work.
Above is translation of an article "お安くできるリモート―ワーク" dated October 1, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Currently, business chatrooms such as ChatWork and Slack can be used at extremely low price. The benefit of using chatroom is that unlike e-mails, it is extremely unlikely to receive virus. Recently, some clients are starting to use ChatWork as well.
File transfers can also be cost friendly by using services such as 宅ふぁいる便 and Hightail even if it isn't free. If you want to cut cost as much as possible, you can use the free version of 宅ふぁいる便.
The meetings with remote workers can be started immediately by using skype or ChatWork Live function on ChatWork.
For the translation system, team translation is possible where ever the staff is (as long as there is Internet) by using cloud-type system such as Memsource. If you would like to use a free version, you should use Wordfast Anywhere. If you are in a position where data security is no issue, team translation is similarly possible by using Google Translator Toolkit.
I want to revolutionize work environment while increasing productivity by organizing work balance. We should all consider implementing remote work.
Above is translation of an article "お安くできるリモート―ワーク" dated October 1, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Interviewed by a local translation school about machine translation
I talked about my thoughts on machine translation for an hour or so. The demand for post editor training is rising, so I think it would be great to work together with translation schools.
The experienced translators are resentful about machine translation. This is why it is difficult for them to shift to being post editors. However, the current translation school students are open-minded, so I believe they are more likely to be accepting of machine translation.
Above is translation of an article "機械翻訳について地元の翻訳学校からインタビューを受けました。" dated September 27, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
The experienced translators are resentful about machine translation. This is why it is difficult for them to shift to being post editors. However, the current translation school students are open-minded, so I believe they are more likely to be accepting of machine translation.
Above is translation of an article "機械翻訳について地元の翻訳学校からインタビューを受けました。" dated September 27, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Raising awareness about machine translation
Among clients, there are some, especially manufacturers, who feel resentful about machine translation. They won't even consider it.
Regarding pricing, many seem to be interested in the idea of match-rate discounts. If they ask for additional discounts, we reply with "how about machine translation?" but in most cases, they would respond with just "hmmmm".
We need to raise more awareness about machine translation by making press release, hold seminars, or write articles on magazines.
I'd like to put more effort in actions like that from September.
Above is translation of an article "機械翻訳の効用をもっと知っていただきたい" dated August 27, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
Regarding pricing, many seem to be interested in the idea of match-rate discounts. If they ask for additional discounts, we reply with "how about machine translation?" but in most cases, they would respond with just "hmmmm".
We need to raise more awareness about machine translation by making press release, hold seminars, or write articles on magazines.
I'd like to put more effort in actions like that from September.
Above is translation of an article "機械翻訳の効用をもっと知っていただきたい" dated August 27, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
ドキュメントを翻訳(Google Docs)機能を使ってみる
訳文を読む限り、ニューラル機械翻訳ではなさそうです。では、Google Translateを使ってみましょう。
2018年4月4日、AWSのCEO、Andy Jassyが2017年11月に発表して以来、運用していた「プレビュー」モードからAmazon翻訳が始まり、AWSアカウントで米国とEUの誰にでも開放されました。 Amazonは「限られた数の参加者を収容することができる」ため、将来のユーザーは2017年後半のプレビュー開始時に興味を登録する必要がありました。
, which it had been .... のような関係代名詞の理解は苦手みたいです。it のような代名詞が繰り返されることも苦手みたいですね(which it had been operating in since it wasのit がそれぞれ何を指しているかすぐにお分かりになったでしょうか?)。
Google Docs のドキュメントを翻訳機能
これらの翻訳の結果は、予想済みです。関数やドキュメントの機械翻訳機能を使えば簡単に翻訳ができれば我々は商売が成り立ちません。Google (ABC)さんのような世界的な大企業が膨大な予算(ある国の国家予算に匹敵する程度)をかけて開発した機械翻訳の結果がこれだったと知って胸を撫で下ろしています。我々はまだまだ頑張れそうです。
Google Translate ではこの結果でした。他のエンジンを使えば異なる結果になったと思います。我々は、依然、機械翻訳に対しては高い評価をしています。CATがなくても翻訳作業ができそうな印象があります。
On April 4, 2018 Amazon Translate came out of “Preview” mode, which it had been operating in since it was announced in November 2017 by AWS CEO Andy Jassy, and was opened up to anyone in the US and EU with an AWS account. At the Preview launch in late 2017, prospective users needed to register their interest as Amazon was only able to “able to accommodate a limited number of participants”.
元記事:"Amazon and Lionbridge Share Stage To Market Neural Machine Translation" by Florian Faes on April 6, 2018, Slator
元記事:"Amazon and Lionbridge Share Stage To Market Neural Machine Translation" by Florian Faes on April 6, 2018, Slator
2018年4月4日にAmazonは、それがれて以来で動作していた「プレビュー」モード、から出てきた翻訳 、2017年11月に発表さ AWS CEOアンディJassyにより、およびAWSアカウントで米国とEUで誰にでも開かれました。アマゾンのみ「の参加者の限られた数に対応できる」することができたとして後半に2017年プレビューの打ち上げでは、将来のユーザは、自分の興味を登録する必要がありました。
2018年4月4日、AWSのCEO、Andy Jassyが2017年11月に発表して以来、運用していた「プレビュー」モードからAmazon翻訳が始まり、AWSアカウントで米国とEUの誰にでも開放されました。 Amazonは「限られた数の参加者を収容することができる」ため、将来のユーザーは2017年後半のプレビュー開始時に興味を登録する必要がありました。
, which it had been .... のような関係代名詞の理解は苦手みたいです。it のような代名詞が繰り返されることも苦手みたいですね(which it had been operating in since it wasのit がそれぞれ何を指しているかすぐにお分かりになったでしょうか?)。
Google Docs のドキュメントを翻訳機能
これらの翻訳の結果は、予想済みです。関数やドキュメントの機械翻訳機能を使えば簡単に翻訳ができれば我々は商売が成り立ちません。Google (ABC)さんのような世界的な大企業が膨大な予算(ある国の国家予算に匹敵する程度)をかけて開発した機械翻訳の結果がこれだったと知って胸を撫で下ろしています。我々はまだまだ頑張れそうです。
Google Translate ではこの結果でした。他のエンジンを使えば異なる結果になったと思います。我々は、依然、機械翻訳に対しては高い評価をしています。CATがなくても翻訳作業ができそうな印象があります。
この関数を使った翻訳結果は、どうやらニューラル機械翻訳の結果ではなさそうです。理由は、Google Translate の結果と異なるからです。
googletranslate 関数:One or two containing imide compound imide group
Google Translate: Imide compound containing one or two imide groups
この関数を使った翻訳結果は、どうやらニューラル機械翻訳の結果ではなさそうです。理由は、Google Translate の結果と異なるからです。
googletranslate 関数:One or two containing imide compound imide group
Google Translate: Imide compound containing one or two imide groups
我々は、これ以外にも多数の用語に対して関数を使って翻訳してみました。googletranslate 関数及びGoogle Translateは、単語の先頭が必ず大文字になってしまいます。小文字に設定する方法は分かりません。
次回は、Google Docs のデフォルトの機能である「ドキュメントを翻訳」を試してみたいと思います。
木曜サロン「誰でも簡単アプリクッキング -アプリ戦国時代-」に出席します!
「誰でも簡単アプリクッキング -アプリ戦国時代-」
株式会社アプリクッキングはアプリの活用において、開発・ 導入のみならず
これまでにない使い方にフォーカスしたサービスを展開されていま す。
講師業の方であればセミナーなどの情報発信、 士業の方であればチャット機能を使った相談窓口など、アプリの活用方法は業種によってさまざま。
また地域活性にも活用できるとのこと。 企業への導入以外にも個人単位で簡単に
「誰でも簡単アプリクッキング -アプリ戦国時代-」
投稿 (Atom)
下のような会話を耳にしたことがあります。 翻訳者:こんな料金で翻訳できるか! 翻訳会社:こんな翻訳にこんな料金払えるか! どっちが悪いんだろうね。
トライアル利用期間は2週間(又は一定の単語数)だったはず。APIも簡単に取得できたのでCATツールに搭載して試してみます。導入するか否かは、以下の通りです。 コストパフォーマンスに優れている。 比較の基準には、Google の機械翻訳を使用する。
ファックスを完全に廃止します。 電話を完全に廃止します。 メールを完全に廃止します。