
Books I've read: Eating style taught by doctors -The ultimate textbook-68 Medically correct ways to eat after seeing 200K patients (医者が教える食事術 最強の教科書ー20万人を診てわかった医学的に正しい食べ方68)

This book is about eating. I'm writing about this because eating right leads to better work performance.

Book: 医者が教える食事術 最強の教科書ーー20万人を診てわかった医学的に正しい食べ方68
Author: Zenji Makita
Publisher: DIAMOND, Inc.

At the beginning of the book, it mentioned the following:
1. There's no relation between calorie and obesity.
2. Dieting has little effect on your cholestrerol level.
3. Protein and amino acids destroy your liver.

Next, the following was written as a medical evidence.
  • The only cause of fat is sugar (carbohydrates). You won't gain fat from eating meat.
  • Eating fat doesn't make you fat.
  • You should exercise right after your meal to prevent your blood sugar level from increasing. If you're too full to exercise, you're eating too much.
What was interesting is that "true health cannot be gained by "temporary effort). If you are a reasonable business person, you understand that it is far more beneficial for you to focus on limiting carbohydrate intake rather than trying to maintain hard-earned muscles. Walking or going up and down the stairs for 20 minutes can be your exercise." Apparently, if you're too full to move after lunch, that means you've eaten too much. It was my first time reading about how it's actually good to exercise immediately after meals. I'll give it a try.

The book also mentioned that "if you can stabilize your blood sugar level, your daily performance will improve". This is most likely important for work productivity.

There are many methods such as changing how you work and automation by software implementation. However, I want to try changing my diet to achieve work efficiency.

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