It was about Game AI this time.
The instructor was Yoichiro Miyake (Lead AI researcher of Square Enix technology promotion department)
By the way, I don't play games at all, so I was not interested in the game part. However, I participated because I was interested in AI. The talk was extremely interesting even for people who don't know about games.
Apparently in the game industry, there is a path where a student researches about game logic > get a job at game company. I hope there will be similar path made in the translation industry as well.
The most impressionable word was "Games can no longer be created by humans alone (needs AI)". I felt that the day where the same can be said for translation would come soon.
Above is translation of an article "#26シンギュラリティサロンに参加しました。" dated December 18, 2017
Translation by Hiroko Matsuda
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